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Automatic flight plan of 1.5 km with payload of 4.5 kg!

The objectives of these tests are:

ü  Check how the drone manage the Flight Plan  

ü  Check the setting of the PID of the drone and it new remote control

ü  Check the autonomy with a dummy radar (3,2 kg) and the antenna (1,3kg with the installation of a spacer) for a total weight of about 4,5 kg.


FlyRadar has passed the first fly tests!!!

It is a radar with double mode: a SAR and penetrating radar like the one flying around Mars (MARSIS and SHARAD).

The testing has demonstrated that a light electric drone can carry on a complex radar with a large antenna.

The bet was that a small drone powered by electric motors could carry the weight of the radar, batteries and an antenna bigger than it. Now, we can go ahead with the full integration.



The FlyRadar UAV is ready to fly!

The FlyRadar antenna ready for the first tests.

FlyRadar under integration in Lyon. The radar, just arrived from Naples, is going to be assembled.

The new fixation for the FlyRadar antennas

A GoPro camera was added to film the ground.

The radar’s GPS is fixed to the drone’s battery in the center.

First Test for the fully integrated FlyRadar.

Antenna, drone and radar do not interfer each other.

The FlyRadar Antenna

The FlyRadar Antenna

FlyRadar is almost in its complete flight configuration!

The Flyradar system has been reinforced with carbon bars and optimized the radar gimbal and antenna fixing.

The propeller-to-antenna distance has also been increased for better performance.